This is offered in four levels, from a simple short overview of primary events to a full précis.A description of each level can be read on the Main Menu page.SooftenChristiansquestionifitisnecessarytoreadalltheBiblewhentheNewTestamentclearlyteachesushowtoleadourlivesand what is expected of us as Christians. AugustineofHippoiscreditedwithsaying"IntheOldTestamenttheNewisconcealed,intheNewtheOldisrevealed."Theologians,or Biblestudents,wouldrecognisethis,butevenalittleunderstandingofsomeoftheOldTestamenthelpsinadeeperappreciationof some of the New.JusttoreadtheBiblefromcovertocoverwithoutstudytakesaround72hours.BiblereadingplanstendtoaimatreadingtheBiblein a year, but it is questionable just how much would be remembered.If you are impatient to get to know the Bible storyline, then this site will hopefully go some way to helping you.However,pleaserememberthesefilessimply‘teach’youthecontentasaseriesofevents,theydonotteachyouthemeaningorlife application of those events; that can only come from further reading and study.IneedtopointoutthatIamtheauthor,primaryproofreaderandtesterofthissite.Consequently,Ifullyexpecttheretobeerrors, evenofthekind‘Idon’tunderstandwhatyousaidthere’.Sopleasedoletmeknowifyouencounteranyerrors,ofanykind,orhave any questions or comments by using the Contact button above, or send me a Message on Facebook. Thank you.
IfyouareaFacebookuser,pleaseconsiderlikingmy EasyBiblepage-listedasBibleprécis-toencourage others to become familiar with the Bible.
This site enables you to become familiar with the Bible in a relatively short time.If you are a new Christian, this will help you to quickly get to know the Bible’s content, in précis form, as a backcloth to further reading and study.EasyBible can also serve as a refresher for anyone already familiar with the Bible.
This site enables you to become familiar with the Bible in a relatively short time.If you are a new Christian, this will help you to quickly get to know the Bible’s content, in précis form, as a backcloth to further reading and study.EasyBible can also serve as a refresher for anyone already familiar with the Bible.
Containsaselectionof filesthatarebeyondthe basic remit of EasyBible
4th May
In ‘Beyond Easybible’ - ‘Fingerprints of God’
5th February
In ‘Beyond Easybible’ - Genesis 5 - More than just a genealogy
5th January
In ‘Beyond Easybible’ - A short article on Israel’s destiny: Israel can’t lose.
20th December
The Bible Precis is now available to read as a PDF.
13th December
Anewsectionhasbeenadded,intendedtobeseparateandindependentoftheprimary section, EasyBible. Click in the green box to view.
9th September
Some changes to introduction text. plus,The30minuteversionnowhasanA6PDFfiletoreadonscreen,andtwoPDFstoprintA6 booklets
19th August
Timeline of Paul’s ministry and letters added
25th June
Charts added for:Terah’s descendants (Abraham’s relations)Jacob’s childrenAllotment of land in CanaanTimeline of kingsTimeline of kings and prophetsPaul’s 1st and 2nd missionary journeysPaul’s 3rd missionary journey and his journey to Rome